正高级职称教师 当前位置: 首页» 师资队伍» 正高级职称教师» 李明军

  李明军,男,甘肃泾川人。博士,教授,博士生导师。2004年在西北农林科技大学园艺学院本科毕业,2009年西北农林科技大学博士毕业, 2010年 3 月至 2012年 3月在美国康奈尔大学进行博士后研究工作。2012年5月至今在西北农林科技大学园艺学院从事教学科研工作。

  目前科学研究工作是主要从栽培生理、分子和遗传角度解析果实糖酸、Vc等内在品质的形成与调控机制,进行相关分子育种和栽培技术研发。近年来,先后主持了国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、面上项目3项,国家重点研发计划、教育部‘新世纪人才支持计划’、陕西省青年科技新星等项目或课题10多项。参与审定苹果品种4个,在Nature Communication, Journal of Experimental Botany,Horticulture research, Planta, Plant Science,Frontier in Plant Science, Physiologia Plantarum、园艺学报等国内外期刊发表研究论文40余篇,其中SCI论文30多篇。2011年入选全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名奖,2012年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才,2013年入选陕西省青年科技新星,2015年荣获陕西省青年科技奖,入选陕西省青年科技标兵。




  E-mail: limingjun@nwsuaf.edu.cn








  1.Li M, Li P, Ma F, Cheng L. Sugar metabolism and accumulation in the fruit of transgenic apple trees with decreased sorbitol synthesis. Hortic Res 2018,

  2.Tong X-L#, Wang Z-Y#, Ma B-Q, Zhang C-X, Zhu L-C, Ma F-W, LI M-J*. Structure and expression analysis of the sucrose synthase gene family in apple. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 16(0): 60345-7, 2017

  3.Duan N, Bai Y, Sun H, Wang N, Ma Y, Li M, Wang X, Jiao C, Legall N, Mao L, Wan S, Wang K, He T, Feng S, Zhang Z, Mao Z, Shen X, Chen X, Jiang Y, Wu S, Yin C, Ge S, Yang L, Jiang S, Xu H, Liu J, Wang D, Qu C, Wang Y, Zuo W, Xiang L, Liu C, Zhang D, Gao Y, Xu Y, Xu K, Chao T, Fazio G, Shu H, Zhong GY, Cheng L, Fei Z, Chen X. Genome re-sequencing reveals the history of apple and supports a two-stage model for fruit enlargement. Nature Communications, 8(1):249. 2017

  4.Chen C, Yuan Y, Zhang C, Li H, Ma F, Li M*. Sucrose phloem unloading follows an apoplastic pathway with high sucrose synthase in actinidia fruit. Plant Science, 2 , 40-0, 2017

  5.Li M*., D. Li, F. Feng, S. Zhang, F. Ma and L. Cheng*. Proteomic analysis reveals dynamic regulation of fruit development and sugar and acid accumulation in apple. Journal of Experimental Botany , 67: 14–17 2016

  6.Zhou, S. #, Li, M#., Guan, Q., Liu, F., Sheng, Z., & Wei, C., Yin L, Ma F*. Physiological and proteome analysis suggest critical roles for the photosynthetic system for high water-use efficiency under drought stress in malus.. Plant Science, 236, 44-60. 201.

  7.Wei X, Liu F, Chen C, Ma F*, Li M*. The Malus domestica sugar transporter gene family: identifications based on genome and expression profiling related to the accumulation of fruit sugars,Front. Plant Sci. :69, 2014

  8.Feng, F, Li M#, Ma F, Cheng L*. Effects of location within the tree canopy on carbohydrates, organic acids, amino acids and phenolic compounds in the fruit peel and flesh from three apple (Malus × domestica) cultivars. Hortic Res 1:14019. 2014

  9.Feng, F, Li M#, Ma F, Cheng L*. The effects of bagging and debagging on external fruit quality,metabolites, and the expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes in‘Jonagold’ apple (Malus domestica Borkh.), Scientia Horticulturae, 16:123-131, 2014

  10.Li J, Liang D, Li M*, Ma F*. Light and abiotic stresses regulate the expression of GDP-l-galactose phosphorylase and levels of ascorbic acid in two kiwifruit genotypes via light-responsive and stress-inducible cis-elements in their promoters, Planta, 2013, 238(3):3-47

  11.Feng F, Li M#,Ma F*, Cheng L.* . Phenylpropanoid metabolites and expression of key genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis in the shaded peel of apple fruit in response to sun exposure.Plant Physiol Biochem. 69:4-61. 2013

  12.Li J,Li M#, Liang D, Ma F*. Expression patterns and promoter characteristics of the gene encoding Actinidia deliciosa L-galactose-1-phosphate phosphatase involved in the response to light. Molecular Biology Reports, 40:1473-148, 2013

  13.Li M, Feng F, Cheng L*. Expression patterns of genes involved in sugar metabolism and accumulation during apple fruit development. PLoS ONE, 2012,. 7(3):3 e330,

  14.Li M, Chen X, Wang P, Ma F*. Ascorbic acid accumulation and expression of genes involved in its biosynthesis and recycling in developing apple fruit. JASHS, 136:231–238, 2011

  15.Li M, Ma F*, Liang D, Li J, Wang Y. Ascorbate biosynthesis during early fruit development is the main reason for its accumulation in kiwi. PLoS ONE, (12): e14281, 2010

  16.Li M, Ma F*, Liu J, Li J. Shading the whole vines during young fruit development decreases ascorbate accumulation in kiwi. Physiologia Plantarum, 140: 22–237, 2010

  17.Li M, Ma F*, Guo C, Liu J. Ascorbic acid formation and expression profiling of the genes involved in its synthesis and recycling in apple leaves with different age. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 48(4): 216-224, 2010

  18.Li M, Ma F*, Shang P, Zhang M, Hou C, Laing D. Influence of light on ascorbate formation and metabolism in apple fruits. Planta, 230(1):39–1, 2009

  19.Du G, Li M#, Ma F*, Liang D. Antioxidant capacity and the relationship with polyphenol and Vitamin C in Actinidia fruits. Food Chemistry, 113 (2)1 :7-62, 2009

  20.Li M, Liang D, Ma F *, Pu F, Zhang M, Lu T. Ascorbate levels and the activity of key enzymes in ascorbate biosynthesis and recycling in the leaves of 22 Chinese persimmon cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae, 120(2):20-26, 2009 Li M, Ma F *, Zhang M, Pu F Distribution and metabolism of ascorbic acid in apple fruits ( Malus domestica Borkh cv. Gala.). Plant Sci, 174(6):606-612, 2008.

  21.李会霞,祝令成,张钊,马锋旺,李明军*. 苹果中磷酸蔗糖合酶家族基因的表达特性及其与蔗糖含量的关系.西北植物学报,37:872-878, 2017.

  22.原玉林,候长明, 马锋旺, 李明军*. 不同基因型猕猴桃果实中抗坏血酸合成与代谢的差异.植物生理学报52 (12): 18771883, 2016,

  23.马新立, 秦源, 魏晓钰, 马锋旺, 李明军*. 苹果糖转运蛋白TMT基因的表达及其与糖积累的关系,园艺学报, 41(7): 1317–132. 2014

  24.李明军,刘军,梁东,郭春苗,马锋旺*.猕猴桃GalUR表达与抗坏血酸积累的关系.园艺学报, 38(9):1641–1649,2011

  25李明军,高静,马锋旺*,梁东,侯长明. 苹果果实GalDH和GalLDH基因的表达与AsA关系的研究. 中国农业科学, 43(2):31-37,2010


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