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Address:陕西杨凌邰城路3号 西北农林科技大学园艺学院


E-mail: fwm64@nwsuaf.edu.cn;fwm64@sina.com

学院网个人简介链接: http://yyxy.nwsuaf.edu.cn/szdw/166226.htm






魏钦平, 姜远茂, 马锋旺, 程存刚, 张强, 刘松忠, 彭福田, 邹养军, 赵德英, 刘军, 金万梅, 孙健, 魏绍冲, 李翠英, 查养良. 苹果优质丰产资源高效利用关键技术研究与应用, 农业部, 中华农业科技奖, 一等奖, 2013


(1) 马锋旺, 邹养军, 李翠英, 符轩畅, 安贵阳, 党志明, 等. 苹果新品种‘秦蜜’. 陕西省果树品种审定委员会, 2016.

(2) 马锋旺, 符轩畅, 邹养军, 李翠英, 党志明, 安贵阳, 等. 苹果新品种‘秦脆’. 陕西省果树品种审定委员会, 2016.

(3) 李翠英, 邹养军, 侯怀斌, 荆惠锋, 马锋旺, 符轩畅, 等. 苹果新品种‘皮诺娃’. 陕西省果树品种审定委员会, 2014.

(4) 马锋旺, 邹养军, 党志明, 侯怀斌, 李翠英, 魏旭, 等. 苹果新品种‘美味’. 陕西省果树品种审定委员会, 2014.

(5) 马锋旺等. 苹果新品种‘蜜脆’. 陕西省果树品种审定委员会.


马锋旺, 白团辉, 李翠英, 尹蓉, 李永红 (2011) 一种苹果属植物水培系统建立及育苗方法,专利号 ZL 2009 1 0254613.7


1. Kun Zhou, Lingyu Hu, Yangtiansu Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Zhijun Zhang, Bingbing Liu, Pengmin Li, Xiaoqing Gong*, Fengwang Ma*. MdUGT88F1-Mediated Phloridzin Biosynthesis Regulates Apple Development and ValsaCanker Resistance.  Plant Physiology, 2019, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.19.00494

2. Yun Shao,  Xiaoli Zhang,  Steve van Nocker,  Xiaoqing  Gong*, Fengwang Ma*. Overexpression of a protein kinse gene  MpSnRK2.10  from  Malus prunifolia  confers tolerance to drought stress in transgenic  Arabidopsis thaliana  and apple. Gene, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gene.2018.12.070

3. Dongfeng Jia, Qi Jiang, Steve van Nocker, Xiaoqing Gong*, Fengwang Ma*. An apple (Malus domestica) NAC transcription factor enhances drought tolerance in transgenic apple plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2019, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2019.04.011.

4. Zhiwei Wei,  Chao Li, Tengteng Gao, Zhijun Zhang, Bowen Liang, Zuosen Lv, Fengwang Ma*. (2019). Melatonin increases the performance of malus hupehensis after uv-b exposure. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2019, 10.1016/j.plaphy.2019.04.026

5. Dong Huang, Qian Wang,, Dingyue Duan, Qinglong Dong,Shuang Zhao, Maoxue Zhang, Guangquan Jing, Changhai Liu, Steve van Nocker, Fengwang Ma*, Chao Li*. Overexpression of MdIAA9 confers high tolerance to osmotic stress in transgenic tobacco. 2019, PeerJ 7:e7935 DOI 10.7717/peerj.7935

6. Qian Wang†, Changhai Liu,†, Dong Huang, Qinglong Dong, Pengmin Li*, Fengwang Ma*. High-efficient utilization and uptake of N contribute to higher NUE of ‘Qinguan’ apple under drought and N-deficient conditions compared with‘Honeycrisp’. Tree Physiology, 2019, https://academic.oup.com/treephys/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/treephys/tpz093/5585515?redirectedFrom="""fulltext

7. Changhai Liu, Tianli Guo, Na Wang, Qian Wang,Yangchun Xue, Minghui Zhan, Qingmei Guan, Fengwang Ma*. Overexpression of MhYTP2 enhances apple water-use efficiency by activating ABA and ethylene signaling. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2019, (157):260-268

8.  Tianli Guo, Na Wang, Yangchun Xue, Qingmei Guan, Steven van Nocker, Changhai Liua*, Fengwang Ma*. Overexpression of the RNA binding protein MhYTP1 in transgenic apple enhances drought tolerance and WUE by improving ABA level under drought condition. Plant Science, 2019, (280):397-407.

9. Qi Jiang, JieYang, QianWang, KunZhou, Ke Mao*, FengwangMa*. Overexpression of MdEPF2 improves water use efficiency and reduces oxidative stress in tomato. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2019, (162):321-332.

10.  Bowen Liang, Tengteng Gao, Qi Zhao, Changqing Ma, Qi Chen, Zhiwei Wei, Cuiying Li, Chao Li*, Fengwang Ma*. Effects of exogenous dopamine on the uptake, transport, and resorption of apple ionome under moderate drought. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9:755

11. Qian Wang, Changhai Liu, Qinglong Dong, Dong Huang, Cuiying Li, Pengmin Li*, Fengwang Ma*. Genome-wide identification and analysis of apple NITRATE TRANSPORTER 1/PEPTIDE TRANSPORTER family (NPF) genes reveals MdNPF6.5  confers high capacity for nitrogen uptake under low-nitrogen conditions. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19:2761

12. Baiquan Ma, Yangyang Yuan, Meng Gao, Libo Xing, Cuiying Li, Mingjun Li*, Fengwang Ma*. Genome-wide identification, classification, molecular evolution and expression analysis of malate dehydrogenases in apple. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19:3312

13. Baiquan Ma, Yangyang Yuan, Meng Gao, Tonghui Qi, Mingjun Li*, Fengwang Ma*. Genome-wide identification, molecular evolution, and expression divergence of aluminum-activated malate transporters in apples. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19:2807

14. Qinglong Dong, Shuang Zhao, ingyue Duan, Yi Tian, YanpengWang, Ke Mao, ZongshanZhou, FengwangMa*. Structural and functional analyses of genes encoding VQ proteins in apple. Plant Science, 2018, (272):208-219

15. Lingyu Hu, Kun Zhou, Yangtiansu Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Bingbing Liu, Cuiying Li, Xiaoqing Gong*, Fengwang Ma*. Exogenous myo-inositol alleviates salinity-induced stress in Malus hupehensis Rehd. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 116-126

16. Xun Sun, Liuqing Huo, Xin Jia, Runmin Che, Xiaoqing Gong, Ping Wang, Fengwang Ma*. Overexpression of MdATG18a  in apple improves resistance to Diplocarpon mali  infection by enhancing antioxidant activity and salicylic acid levels. Horticulture Research,2018, 5:57

17. Chao Li, Qi Zhao, Tengteng Gao, Hongying Wang, Zhijun Zhang, Bowen Liang, Zhiwei Wei, Changhai Liu*, Fengwang Ma*. The mitigation effects of exogenous melatonin on replant disease in apple. Journal of Pineal Research, 2018, 65(4):e12523

18.  Bowen Liang, Changqing Ma, Zhijun Zhang, Zhiwei Wei, Tengteng Gao, Qi Zhao, Fengwang Ma*, Chao Li*. Long-term exogenous application of melatonin improves nutrient uptake fluxes in apple plants under moderate drought stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2018, 155:650–661

19. Haibo Wang, Shuang Zhao, Ke Mao, Qinglong Dong, Bowen liang, Chao Li, Zhiwei Wei, Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma* Mapping QTLs for water-use efficiency reveals the potential candidate genes involved in regulating the trait in apple under drought stress. BMC Plant Biology, 2018, 18:136

20. Qinglong Dong, Ke Mao, Dingyue Duan, Shuang Zhao, Yanpeng Wang, Qian Wang, Dong Huang, Chao Li, Changhai Liu, Xiaoqing Gong, Fengwang Ma*. Genome-wide analyses of genes encoding FK506-binding proteins reveal their involvement in abiotic stress responses in apple. BMC Genomics, 2018, 19:707

21. Linlin Huang, Mingjun Li, Yun Shao, Tingting Sun, Cuiying Li, Fengwang Ma*. Ammonium uptake increases in response to PEG-induced drought stress in  Malus hupehensis  Rehd. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2018, 151:32–42

22. Linlin Huang, Mingjun Li, Kun Zhou, Tingting Sun, Lingyu Hu, Cuiying Li*, Fengwang Ma*. Uptake and metabolism of ammonium and nitrate in response to drought stress in Malus prunifolia . Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 127:185–193

23. Qinglong Dong, Dingyue Duan, Shuang Zhao, Bingyao Xu, Jiawei Luo, Qian Wang, Dong Huang, Changhai Liu, Chao Li, Xiaoqing Gong, Ke Mao*, Fengwang Ma*. Genome-wide analysis and cloning of the apple stress-associated protein gene family reveals MdSAP15 , which confers tolerance to drought and osmotic stresses in transgenic Arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19:2478

24. Haibo Wang, Qinglong Dong, Dingyue Duan, Shuang Zhao, Mingjun Li, Steve van Nocker, Fengwang Ma*, Ke Mao*. Comprehensive genomic analysis of the TYROSINE AMINOTRANSFERASE ( TAT ) genes in apple ( Malus domestica ) allows the identification of MdTAT2  conferring tolerance to drought and osmotic stresses in plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 133:81–91

25. Jidi Xu, Shasha Zhou, Xiaoqing Gong, Yi Song, Steve van Nocker, Fengwang Ma* and Qingmei Guan*. Single-base methylome analysis reveals dynamic epigenomic differences associated with water deficit in apple. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 16(2):672-687

26. Xun Sun, Xin Jia, Liuqing Huo, Runmin Che, Xiaoqing Gong, Ping Wang, Fengwang Ma*. MdATG18a overexpression improves tolerance to nitrogen deficiency and regulates anthocyanin accumulation through increased autophagy in transgenic apple. Plant, Cell and Environment, 2018, 41(2):469-480

27. Xun Sun, Ping Wang, Xin Jia, Liuqing Huo, Runmin Che and Fengwang Ma*. Improvement of drought tolerance by overexpressing MdATG18a is mediated by modified antioxidant system and activated autophagy in transgenic apple. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 16(2):545-557

28. Kun Zhou, Lingyu Hu, Bingbing Liu, Yangtiansu Li, Xiaoqing Gong, Fengwang Ma*. Identification of apple fruits rich in health-promoting dihydrochalcones by comparative assessment of cultivated and wild accessions. Scientia Horticulturae 2018, 233:38-46

29. Jia DF#, Gong XQ#, Li MJ, Li C, Sun TT, Ma FW*. Overexpression of a novel apple NAC transcription factor gene, MdNAC1 , confers the dwarf phenotype in transgenic apple ( Malus domestica ). Genes. 2018, 9(5): 229.(IF 3.600)

30. Kun Zhou, Lingyu Hu, Pengmin Li, Xiaoqing Gong*, Fengwang Ma*. MaGenome-wide identification of glycosyltransferases converting phloretin to phloridzin in Malus species. Plant Science, 2017, 265:131-145

31. Bowen Liang, Cuiying Li, Changqing Ma, Zhiwei Wei, Qian Wang, Dong Huang, Qi Chen, Chao Li*, Fengwang Ma*. Dopamine alleviates nutrient deficiency-induced stress in Malus hupehensis . Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2017, 119:346-359

32. Xiaoqing Gong, Shuting Shi, Fangfang Dou, Yi Song and Fengwang Ma*. Exogenous Melatonin Alleviates Alkaline Stress in Malus hupehensis Rehd. By Regulating the Biosynthesis of Polyamines. Molecules, 2017, 22:1542

33. Na Wang, Tianli Guo, Xun Sun, Xin Jia, Ping Wang, Yun Shao, Bowen Liang, Xiaoqing Gong, Fengwang Ma*. Functions of two Malus hupehensis (Pamp.) Rehd. YTPs (MhYTP1 and MhYTP2) in biotic- and abiotic-stress responses. Plant Science, 2017, 261: 18-27

34. Na Wang, Tianli Guo, Ping Wang, Xun Sun, Yun Shao, Xin Jia, Bowen Liang, Xiaoqing Gong and Fengwang Ma*. MhYTP1 and MhYTP2 from apple confer tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8 : 1367(1-9)

35. Ke Mao†, Qinglong Dong†, Chao Li, Changhai Liu and Fengwang Ma*. Genome wide identification and characterization of apple bHLH transcription factors and expression analysis in response to drought and salt stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:480(1-15)

36. Ping Wang, Xun Sun, Xin Jia, Fengwang Ma. Apple autophagy-related protein MdATG3s afford tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses. Plant Science, 2017, 256:53–64

37. Ping Wang, Xun Sun, Na Wang, Xin Jia, Fengwang Ma. Ectopic expression of an autophagy-associated MdATG7b gene from apple alters growth and tolerance to nutrient stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2017, 128:9-23

38. Yanxiao Tan, Mingjun Li, Yingli Yang, Xun Sun, Na Wang, Bowen Liang and Fengwang Ma. Overexpression of MpCYS4 , A Phytocystatin Gene from Malus prunifolia (Willd.) Borkh., Enhances Stomatal Closure to Confer Drought Tolerance in Transgenic Arabidopsis and Apple. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:33

39. Tingting Sun, Mingjun Li, Yun Shao, Lingyan Yu, Fengwang Ma. Comprehensive Genomic Identification and Expression Analysis of the Phosphate Transporter (PHT) Gene Family in Apple. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:426

40. Yanxiao Tan, Yingli Yang, Chao Li, Bowen Liang, Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma. Overexpression of MpCYS4 , a phytocystatin gene from Malus prunifolia (Willd.) Borkh., delays natural and stress-induced leaf senescence in apple. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2017, 115:219-228

41. Na Wang, Tianli Guo, Ping Wang, Xun Sun, Yun Shao, Bowen Liang, Xin Jia, Xiaoqing Gong, Fengwang Ma. Functional analysis of apple MhYTP1 and MhYTP2 genes in leaf senescence and fruit ripening. Scientia Horticulturae, 2017, 221:23-32

42. N. WANG, Z.-Y. YUE, P. WANG, X. SUN, X.-Q. GONG, and F.-W. MA. Function of Malus prunifolia WRKY6 transcription factor in response to different stresses. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM, 2017,61 (2): 284-292

43. WANG Na, GONG Xiao-qing, MA Feng-wang. Genome-wide identification of the radiation sensitivity protein-23 (RAD23) family members in apple ( Malus × domestica Borkh.) and expression analysis of their stress responsiveness. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(4): 820-827

44. Tingting Sun, Dongfeng Jia, Linlin Huang, Yun Shao, Fengwang Ma. Comprehensive genomic identification and expression analysis of thenucleobase-ascorbate transporter(NAT) gene family in apple. Scientia Horticulturae, 2016, 198:473-481

45. Yanxiao Tan, Xiaoyu Wei, Ping Wang, Xun Sun, Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma. A Phytocystatin Gene from Malus prunifolia (Willd.) Borkh., MpCYS5, Confers Salt Stress Tolerance and Functions in Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response in Arabidopsis. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2016, 34(1):62-75

46. Chao Li, Bowen Liang, Cong Chang, Zhiwei Wei, Shasha Zhou, Fengwang Ma. Exogenous melatonin improved potassium content in Malus under different stress conditions. Journal of Pineal Research, 2016, 61(2):218-229

47. Ping Wang, Xun Sun , Xin Jia, Na Wang, Xiaoqing Gong, Fengwang Ma. Characterization of an Autophagy-Related Gene MdATG8i from Apple. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7:720

48. Shasha Zhou, Shuangxun Ma, Mingjun Li, Cuiying Li, Xiaoqing Gong, Qingmei Guan, Yanxiao Tan, Yun Shao, Chao Li, Fengwang Ma. Comprehensive genomic analysis and expression profiling of Argonaute gene family and examination of their regulatory roles in water-use efficiency and abiotic stress responses in apple. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2016, 38(9):1-14

49. Xuewei Li, Ling Kui, Jing Zhang, Yinpeng Xie, Liping Wang, Yan Yan, Na Wang, Jidi Xu, Cuiying Li, Wen Wang, Steve van Nocker, Yang Dong, Fengwang Ma and Qingmei Guan. Improved hybrid de novo genome assembly of domesticated apple(Malus x domestica). GigaScience, 2016, 5:35(1-5)

50. Chao Li, Dun-Xian Tan, Dong Liang, Cong Chang, Dongfeng Jia, Fengwang Ma. Melatonin mediates the regulation of ABA metabolism, free-radical scavenging, and stomatal behavior in two Malus species under drought stress. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2015, 66(3): 669–680

51. Xiaoqian Wang, Cuiying Li, Dong Liang, Yangjun Zou, Pengmin Li, Fengwang Ma. Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in red-fleshed apples. Journal of Functional Foods, 2015, 18:1086-1094

52. Chao Li, Xiangkai Sun, Cong Chang, Dongfeng Jia, Zhiwei Wei, Cuiying Li, Fengwang Ma. Dopamine alleviates salt-induced stress in Malus hupehensis. Physiologia Plantarum, 2015, 153(4): 584–602

53. MA Ping, BAI Tuan-hui, MA Feng-wang. Effects of progressive drought on photosynthesis and partitioning of absorbed light in apple trees. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2015, 14(4): 681–690

54. Yali Li, Yanxiao Tan, Yun Shao, Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma. Comprehensive genomic analysis and expression profiling of diacylglycerol kinase gene family in Malus prunifolia (Willd.) Borkh. Gene, 2015, 561(2) : 225–234

55. Ping Wang, Xun Sun, Na Wang, Dun-Xian Tan, Fengwang Ma. Melatonin enhances the occurrence of autophagy induced by oxidative stress in Arabidopsis seedlings. Journal of Pineal Research, 2015, 58(4):479–489

56. Shasha Zhou, Mingjun Li, Qingmei Guan, Fengli Liu, Sheng Zhang, Wei Chen, Lihua Yin, Yuan Qin, Fengwang Ma. Physiological and proteome analysis suggest critical roles for the photosynthetic system for high water-use efficiency under drought stress in Malus . Plant Science, 2015, 236: 44–60

57. Yanxiao Tan, Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma. Overexpression of MpCYS2 , a phytocystatin gene from Malus prunifolia (Willd.) Borkh., confers drought tolerance and protects against oxidative stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2015, 123(1):15-27

58. Zhiyong Yue, Hao Liu, Fengwang Ma. The Malus carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 7 is involved in stress response and regulated by basic pentacysteine 1. Scientia Horticulturae, 2015, 192: 264–270

59. Hongbo Zhao, Lingfei Xu, Tao Su, Yang Jiang, Lingyu Hu, Fengwang Ma. Melatonin regulates carbohydrate metabolism and defenses against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 infection in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Pineal Research, 2015, 59(1):109-119

60. MA Ping, BAI Tuan-hui, WANG Xiao-qian, MA Feng-wang. Effects of light intensity on photosynthesis and photoprotective mechanisms in apple under progressive drought. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2015, 14(9): 1755–1766

61. Hongbo Zhao, Tao Su, Liuqing Huo, Hongbin Wei, Yang Jiang, Lingfei Xu, Fengwang Ma. Unveiling the mechanism of melatonin impacts on maize seedling growth: sugar metabolism as a case. Journal of Pineal Research, 2015, 59(2):255-266

62. Xiaoqian Wang,Zhiwei Wei, Fengwang Ma. The effects of fruit bagging on levels of phenolic compounds andexpression by anthocyanin biosynthetic and regulatory genes in red-fleshed apples. Process Biochemistry, 2015, 50:1774–1782

63. Ping Wang, Xun Sun, Zhiyong Yue, Dong Liang, Na Wang, Fengwang Ma. Isolation and Characterization of MdATG18a, a WD40-Repeat AuTophaGy-related Gene Responsive to Leaf Senescence and Abiotic Stress in Malus . Scientia Horticulturae, 2014, 165:51-61

64 .Fengjuan Feng, Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma, Lailiang Cheng. The effects of bagging and debagging on external fruit quality, metabolites, and the expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes in ‘Jonagold’ apple (Malus domestica Borkh.). Scientia Horticulturae, 2014, 165:123-131

65. Zhang, Yuan Qin, Dong Liang, Yangjun Zou, Fengwang Ma. Enhancement of in vitro shoot regeneration from leaf explants of apple rootstock G.41. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology—Plant (2014) 50(2):263–270

66. Yanxiao Tan, Suncai Wang, Dong Liang, Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma. Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of the cystatin gene family in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2014, 79:88-97

67. Na Wang, Zhiyong Yue, Dong Liang, Fengwang Ma. Genome-wide identification of members in the YTH domain-containing RNA-binding protein family in apple and expression analysis of their responsiveness to senescence and abiotic stresses. Gene, 2014, 538(2): 292–305

68. Juan Li, MingjunLi, DongLiang, Fengwang Ma, YushanLei. Comparison of expression pattern, genomic structure, and promoter analysis of the gene encoding GDP-l-galactose phosphorylase from two Actinidia species. Scientia Horticulturae, 2014,169 :206–213

69. Tao Zhao, Hui Xia, Jingying Liu, Fengwang Ma. The gene family of dehydration responsive element-binding transcription factors in grape (Vitis vinifera): genome-wide identification and analysis, expression profiles, and involvement in abiotic stress resistance. Molecular Biology Reports, 2014, 41(3):1577–1590

70. Shan Wu, Dong Liang, Fengwang Ma. Leaf micromorphology and sugar may contribute to differences in drought tolerance for two apple cultivars. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2014, 80:249-258

71. Hui Xia, Shan Wu, Fengwang Ma. Cloning and expression of two 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase genes during fruit development and under stress conditions from Malus. Molecular Biology Reports, 2014, 41(10):6795–6802

72. Yanxiao Tan,Yuan Qin,Yali Li, Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma. Overexpression of MpGR-RBP1, a glycine-rich RNA-binding protein gene from Malus prunifolia (Willd.) Borkh., confers salt stress tolerance and protects against oxidative stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2014, 119:635–646

73. Ping Wang, Xun Sun, Yinpeng Xie, Mingjun Li, Wei Chen, Sheng Zhang, Dong Liang, Fengwang Ma. Melatonin regulates proteomic changes during leaf senescence in Malus hupehensis. Journal of Pineal Research, 2014, 57(3):291–307

74. Yun Shao, Yuan Qin, Yangjun Zou, Fengwang Ma. Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of the SnRK2 gene family in Malus prunifolia.Gene, 2014, 552(1) :87–97

75. Meng Cui, Dong Liang, Fengwang Ma. Molecular cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding kiwifruit L-myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase, a key gene of inositol formation. Molecular Biology Reports, 2013, 40(1): 697-705

76. Juan Li, Mingjun Li, Dong Liang, Meng Cui, Fengwang Ma. Expression patterns and promoter characteristics of the gene encoding Actinidia deliciosa L-galactose-1-phosphate phosphatase involved in the response to light and abiotic stresses. Molecular Biology Reports, 2013, 40(2): 1473-1485

77. Juan Li, Meng Cui, Mingjun Li, Xiaoqian Wang, Dong Liang, Fengwang Ma. Expression pattern and promoter analysis of the gene encoding GDP-D-mannose 3’, 5’-epimerase under abiotic stresses and applications of hormones by kiwifruit. Scientia Horticulturae, 2013, 150:187-194

78. Mingyang Fu, Chao Li, Fengwang Ma. Physiological responses and tolerance to NaCl stress in different biotypes of Malus prunifolia , Euphytica, 2013, 189(1):101-109

79. Tuanhui Bai, Cuiying Li, Chao Li, Dong Liang, Fengwang Ma. Contrasting hypoxia tolerance and adaptation in Malus species is linked to differences in stomatal behavior and photosynthesis. Physiologia Plantarum, 2013, 147(4):514-523

80. Pengmin Li, Fengwang Ma, Lailiang Cheng. Primary and secondary metabolism in the sun-exposed peel and the shaded peel of apple fruit. Physiologia Plantarum, 2013, 148(1): 9–24

81. Ping Wang, Xun Sun, Chao Li, Zhiwei Wei, Dong Liang, Fengwang Ma. Long-term exogenous application of melatonin delays drought-induced leaf senescence in apple. Journal of Pineal Research, 2013, 54(3):292-302

82. Lihua Yin, Ping Wang, Mingjun Li, Xiwang Ke, Cuiying Li, Dong Liang, Shan Wu, Xinli Ma, Chao Li, Yangjun Zou and Fengwang Ma. Exogenous melatonin improves Malus resistance to Marssonina apple blotch. Journal of Pineal Research, 2013, 54(4):426-434

83. Lihua Yin, Mingjun Li, Xiwang Ke, Cuiying Li, Yangjun Zou, Dong Liang, Fengwang Ma. Evaluation of Malus germplasm resistance to marssonina apple blotch. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2013, 136(3): 597-602

84. Changhai Liu, Chao Li, Dong Liang, Fengwang Ma, Shuncai Wang, Ping Wang, Rongchao Wang. Aquaporin expression in response to water-deficit stress in two Malus species: relationship with physiological status and drought tolerance. Plant Growth Regulation, 2013, 70(2):187-197

85. XP Sun, HL Yan, XY Kang, FW Ma. Growth, gas exchange, and water-use efficiency response of two young apple cultivars to drought stress in two scion-one rootstock grafting system. Photosynthetica, 2013, 51 (3): 404-410

86. Chao Li, Zhiwei Wei, Dong Liang, Shasha Zhou, Yonghong Li, Changhai Liu, Fengwang Ma. Enhanced salt resistance in apple plants overexpressing a Malus vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene is associated with differences in stomatal behavior and photosynthesis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013, 70:164-173

87. Fengjuan Feng, Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma, Lailiang Cheng. Phenylpropanoid metabolites and expression of key genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis in the shaded peel of apple fruit in response to sun exposure. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013, 69:54-61

88. Juan Li, Dong Liang, Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma. Light and abiotic stresses regulate the expression of GDP-l-galactose phosphorylase and levels of ascorbic acid in two kiwifruit genotypes via light-responsive and stress-inducible cis -elements in their promoters. Planta, 2013, 238(3): 535-547

89. Ping Wang, Xun Sun, Cong Chang, Fengjuan Feng, Dong Liang, Lailiang Cheng, Fengwang Ma. Delay in leaf senescence of Malus hupehensis by long-term melatonin application is associated with its regulation of metabolic status and protein degradation. Journal of Pineal Research, 2013, 55(4): 424–434

90. Lihua Yin, Yangjun Zou, Xiwang Ke, Dong Liang, Xuan Du, Yaoyao Zhao,Qiangqiang Zhang, Fengwang Ma. Phenolic responses of resistant and susceptible Malus plants inducedby Diplocarpon mali. Scientia Horticulturae, 2013, 164: 17–23

91. Lihua Yin, Yangjun Zou, Mingjun Li, Xiwang Ke, Cuiying Li, Dong Liang, Fengwang Ma. Resistance of Malus plants to Diplocarpon mali infection is associated with the antioxidant system and defense signaling pathways. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2013, 84:146-152

92. Tuanhui Bai, Ping Ma, Cuiying Li, Rong Yin, Fengwang Ma. Role of ascorbic acid in enhancing hypoxia tolerance in roots of sensitive and tolerant apple rootstocks. Scientia Horticulturae. 2013, 164: 372-379

93.Meng Cui, Dong Liang, Shan Wu, Fengwang Ma, Yushan Lei. Isolation and developmental expression analysis of L-myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase in four Actinidia species. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013, 73:351-358

94.Shuncai Wang, Dong Liang, Chao Li, Yonglu Hao, Fengwang Ma, Huairui Shu. Influence of drought stress on the cellular ultrastructure and antioxidant system in leaves of drought-tolerant and drought-sensitive apple rootstocks. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2012, 51:81-89

95.Shuncai Wang, Rongchao Wang, Dong Liang, Fengwang Ma, Huairui Shu. Molecular characterization and expression analysis of a glycine-rich RNA-binding protein gene from Malus hupehensis Rehd. Molecular Biology Reports, 2012, 39(4):4145–4153

96.Pengmin Li, Fengwang Ma. Different effects of light irradiation on the photosynthetic electron transport chain during apple tree leaf dehydration. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2012, 55:16-22

97.Binghua Liu, Liang Cheng, Fengwang Ma, Yangjun Zou, Dong Liang. Growth, biomass allocation, and water use efficiency of 31 apple cultivars grown under two water regimes. Agroforestry Systems, 2012, 84(2):117–129

98. Tao Zhao, Dong Liang, Ping Wang, Jingying Liu and Fengwang Ma. Genome-wide analysis and expression profiling of the DREB transcription factor gene family in Malus under abiotic stress. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2012, 287(5): 423-436

99. Dong Liang, Meng Cui, Shan Wu , Fengwang Ma. Genomic Structure, Sub-Cellular Localization, and Promoter Analysis of the Gene Encoding Sorbitol-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase from Apple. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2012, 30(4):904-914

100. Binghua Liu, Mingjun Li, Liang Cheng, Dong Liang, Yangjun Zou, Fengwang Ma. Influence of rootstock on antioxidant system in leaves and roots of young apple trees in response to drought stress. Plant Growth Regulation, 2012, 67(3):247–256

101.Ping Wang, Lihua Yin, Dong Liang, Chao Li, Fengwang Ma, Zhiyong Yue. Delayed senescence of apple leaves by exogenous melatonin treatment: toward regulating the ascorbate–glutathione cycle. Journal of Pineal Research, 2012, 53(1):11-20

102.Chao Li, Ping Wang, Zhiwei Wei, Dong Liang, Changhai Liu, Lihua Yin, Dongfeng Jia, Mingyang Fu, Fengwang Ma. The mitigation effects of exogenous melatonin on salinity-induced stress in Malus hupehensis . Journal of Pineal Research, 2012, 53(3):298–306

103.Binghua Liu, Liang Cheng, Fengwang Ma, Dong Liang and Yangjun Zou. Influence of rootstock on drought response in young ‘Gale Gala’ apple ( Malus domestica Borkh.) trees. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2012, 92(12) :2421-2427

104.BH Liu, L Cheng, D Liang, YJ Zou, Fw Ma. Growth, gas exchange, water-use efficiency, and carbon isotope composition of ‘Gale Gala’ apple trees grafted onto 9 wild Chinese rootstocks in response to drought stress. Photosynthetica, 2012, 50 (3): 401-410

105. XP Sun, HL Yan, P Ma, BH Liu, YJ Aou, D Liang, FW Ma, PM Li. Responses of young ‘Pink lady’ apple to alternate deficit irrigation following long-term drought: growth, photosynthetic capacity, water-use efficiency, and sap flow. Photosynthetica, 2012,50 (4): 501-507

106. Changhai Liu, Chao Li, Dong Liang, Zhiwei Wei, Shasha Zhou, Rongchao Wang, Fengwang Ma. Differential expression of ion transporters and aquaporins in leaves may contribute to different salt tolerance in Malus species. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2012, 58:159-165

107. Mingyang Fu, Fengwang Ma. Characterization of the genetic relationships among biotypes of Malus prunifolia using simple sequence repeat marker. Scientia Horticulturae, 2012, 146:169-174

108. Dong Liang, Hui Xia, Shan Wu, Fengwang Ma. Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of dehydrin gene family in Malus domestica. Molecular Biology Reports, 2012, 39(12):10759–10768

109. Yu-Hua Ma, Feng-Wang Ma, Yong-Hong Wang, Jun-Ke Zhang. The responses of the enzymes related with ascorbate–glutathione cycle during drought stress in apple leaves. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2011, 33:173–180

110. Tuanhui Bai, Rong Yin, Cuiying Li, Fengwang Ma and Zhiyong Yue. Comparative Analysis of Endogenous Hormones in Leaves and Roots of Two Contrasting Malus Species in Response to Hypoxia Stress. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2011, 30(2):119-127

111. Shuncai Wang, Dong Liang, Shouguo Shi, Fengwang Ma, Huairui Shu, Rongchao Wang. Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Drought Responsive Gene Encoding a Glycine-rich RNA-binding Protein in Malus prunifolia (Willd.) Borkh. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2011, 29(1):125–134

112. Mingjun Li, Xuesen Chen, Pingping Wang, Fengwang Ma. Ascorbic Acid Accumulation and Expression of Genes Involved in Its Biosynthesis and Recycling in Developing Apple Fruit. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science, 2011, 136(4):231–238

113. Yanlei Wang, Fengwang Ma, Mingjun Li, Dong Liang, Jun Zou. Physiological responses of kiwifruit plants to exogenous ABA under drought conditions. Plant Growth Regulation, 2011, 64(1):63–74

114. Peng-Min Li, Guo-Rong Du, Feng-Wang Ma. Phenolics concentration and antioxidant capacity of different fruit tissues of astringent versus non-astringent persimmons. Scientia Horticulturae. 2011,129(4):710–714

115. Tuanhui Bai, Cuiying Li, Fengwang Ma, Fengjuan Feng, Huairui Shu. Responses of growth and antioxidant system to root-zone hypoxia stress in two Malus species. Plant and Soil, 2010, 327(2):95–105

116. Jianmei Wei, Fengwang Ma, Shouguo Shi, Xiudong Qi, Xiangqiu Zhu, Junwei Yuan. Changes and postharvest regulation of activity and gene expression of enzymes related to cell wall degradation in ripening apple fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2010, 56(2):147-154

117. Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma, Chunmiao Guo, Jun Liu. Ascorbic acid formation and profiling of genes expressed in its synthesis and recycling in apple leaves of different ages. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2010, 48(4): 216-224

118. Cuiying Li, Tuanhui Bai, Fengwang Ma, Mingyu Han. Hypoxia tolerance and adaptation of anaerobic respiration to hypoxia stress in two Malus species. Scientia Horticulturae, 2010, 124(2): 274-279

119. Yonghong Li, Yanzi Zhang, Fengjuan Feng, Dong Liang, Lailiang Cheng, Fengwang Ma, Shouguo Shi. Overexpression of a Malus vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene ( MdNHX1 ) in apple rootstock M.26 and its influence on salt tolerance. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2010, 102(3): 337-345

120. Rong Yin, Tuanhui Bai, Fengwang Ma, Xinjuan Wang, Yonghong Li, Zhiyong Yue. Physiological responses and relative tolerance by Chinese apple rootstocks to NaCl stress. Scientia Horticulturae 2010, 126(1) : 247-252

121. Xiaowei Ma, Fengwang Ma, Cuiying Li, Yinfa Mi, Tuanhui Bai, Huairui Shu. Biomass accumulation, allocation, and water-use efficiency in 10 Malus rootstocks under two watering regimes. Agroforestry Systems, 2010, 80(2): 283-294

122.Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma, Jun Liu, Juan Li. Shading the whole vines during young fruit development decreases ascorbate accumulation in kiwi. Physiologia Plantarum, 2010, 140(3):225-237

123. Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma, Dong Liang, Juan Li, Yanlei Wang. Ascorbate Biosynthesis during Early Fruit Development is the Main Reason for Its Accumulation in Kiwi. PLoS One,2010 , 5(12): e14281

124. Guorong Du, Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma, Dong Liang. Antioxidant capacity and the relationship with polyphenol and Vitamin C in Actinidia fruits. Food Chemistry,2009, 113(2):557-562

125. Ru Bai, Xin Zhao, Fengwang Ma. Identification and bioassay of allelopathic substances from the root exudates of Malus prunifolia. Allelopathy Journal, 2009, 23(2):477-484

126. Tuanhui Bai, Cuiying Li, Fengwang Ma, Huairui Shu, Mingyu Han. Exogenous Salicylic Acid Alleviates Growth Inhibition and Oxidative Stress Induced by Hypoxia Stress in Malus robusta Rehd. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2009 28(4):358-366

127. Mingjun Li, Fengwang Ma, Peifen Shang, Min Zhang, Changming Hou, Dong Liang. Influence of light on ascorbate formation and metabolism in apple fruits. Planta, 2009,230(1):39–51

128. Mingjun Li, Dong Liang, Fei Pu, Fengwang Ma, Changming Hou, Tao Lu. Ascorbate levels and the activity of key enzymes in ascorbate biosynthesis and recycling in the leaves of 22 Chinese persimmon cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae, 2009, 120(2):250-256

129. Ru Bai, Fengwang Ma, Dong Liang, Xin Zhao. Phthalic acid induces oxidative stress and alters the activity of some antioxidant enzymes in roots of Malus prunifolia . Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2009, 35(4):488–494

130. Ming-Jun Li, Feng-Wang Ma, Min Zhang, Fei Pu. Distribution and metabolism of ascorbic acid in apple fruits( Malus domestica Borkh cv. Gala). Plant Science, 2008, 174 (6):606-612

131. Xiaowei Ma, Fengwang Ma, Yinfa Mi, Yuhua Ma, Huairui Shu. Morphological and physiological responses of two contrasting Malus species to exogenous abscisic acid application. Plant Growth Regulation, 2008,56(1):77-87

132. Yu-Hua Ma, Feng-Wang Ma, Jun-Ke Zhang, Ming-Jun Li, Yong-Hong Wang, Dong Liang. Effects of high temperature on activities and gene expression of enzymes involved in ascorbate–glutathione cycle in apple leaves. Plant Science, 2008, 175(6):762-766

133. Fengwang Ma, Lailiang Cheng. Exposure of the shaded side of apple fruit to full sun leads to upregulation of both xanthophyll cycle and the ascorbate-glutathione cycle. Plant Science, 2004, 166(6):1479-1486

134. Lailiang Cheng, Fengwang Ma. Diurnal operation of the xanthophyll cycle and the antioxidant system in apple peel. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science, 2004, 129(3):313-320

135. Fengwang Ma, Lailiang Cheng. The exposed peel of apple fruit has higher xanthophyll cycle-dependent thermal dissipation and antioxidants of the ascorbate-glutathione pathway than the shaded peel. Plant Science , 2003, 165(4): 819-827




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140.苹果果实β-Gal和LOX活性变化特性及其与果实软化的关系。园艺学报,2009, 36 (5):631-638





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